To add Update a Confluence Page Permission you will need the following:


  1. Confluence Page Customfield

To Create a postfunction follow this guide

How to add a post function

and then Choose Update Confluence Page Permission

Filling the form

1. Choose a Page Customfield

Choose a page customfield where the value reflects the Confluence page intended to have its permissions updated

2. Page Restriction

Choose what restriction should be applied

Please refer to Confluence documentation to learn more about Page Restrictions

3. Restriction Details

You may add Users, Groups and User Customfields to your update function

JCWE adds the run as user to the list of edit users since this is a limitation from Confluence as indicated here CONFSERVER-56405

Editing Restricted

You have to specify who can edit

Viewing and Editing Restricted

You have to specify who can view and edit and who can view only

4. Run as User

Leaving this field empty would run this action as the current user (Logged in User), and you may specify to run the action as Global Confluence Admin or as user from user picker search

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