Choose a page location scheme:

The newly page can be created under one of the following options

1. Single Space

This option will set the workflow action to create the page under a static page always, the form will prompt you for the desired space and page, as shown below

You may leave the Parent Page field empty which would create the page under the Space homepage

2. Under Page (Using Confluence Page customfield)

This option will set the workflow action to create the new page as a descendant of page stored under Confluence Page Custom Field . the form will prompt you for the desired customfield

The creation action will fail if the customfield had no value

3. Under Page (Using page id stored in customfield)

This option will set the workflow action to create the new page as a descendant of page id stored under a text customfield which contains the designated page id, the form will prompt you for the cusotmfield that has the page id value

The creation action will fail if the customfield had no value

4. Project Space Scheme

This option will set the workflow action to create the new page based on the chosen Project Space Scheme. It would map the issue’s project running on the workflow and the space and page location. The form will prompt you for the desired Project Space Scheme

5. Customfield Space Scheme

This option will set the workflow action to create the new page based on the chosen Customfield Space Scheme . It would map the issue’s value of the cusotmfield running on the workflow and the space and page location. The form will prompt you for the desired Customfield Space Scheme

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