This solves: [JSDSERVER-868] Include Domain Level Restrictions for Service Desk Public Signup - Create and track feature requests for Atlassian products.

By implementing an allowlist or a blocklist, organizations can establish stricter control over servicedesk access and interactions, mitigating potential security risks and unauthorized usage. It empowers administrators to define and enforce a trusted network of domains , ensuring that only approved entities can interact with servicedesk.

The allowlist/blocklist configuration can be utilized in various ways


  1. Select the Jira icon > Jira settings > Apps or Add ons.

  2. Under Tinker for JSM, click Signup Allowlist Blocklist OR visit this URL <jira_base_url>/plugins/servlet/tinker/signup

Configuring an Allowlist

Step 1. 

In this page, there is a dropdown showing the Signup Setting, Choose "[Allowlist] Block all email domains to signup except

Step 2.

Start adding the allowed domains by typing in the domain name, i.e.

Configuring an Blocklist

Step 1. 

In this page, there is a dropdown showing the Signup Setting, Choose "[Blocklist] Allow all email domains to signup except

Step 2.

Start adding the blocked domains by typing in the domain name, i.e.