To configure Public Customer Portal you need the following:

  1. Public User (Customer User with no Jira privilege)

  2. Email Custom field

After having all the above requirements, please follow these steps:


Step by step Tutorial

Create a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select the Jira icon > Jira settings > Apps or Add ons.

  2. Under Tinker for JSD, click Public Customer Portal

1. Select public user

 Public user will be used to allow users who are accessing Jira anonymously

After choosing the user, click save

Please do not choose user with Jira Service Desk Agent role which will open agent functionality publicly

2. Select Email field

This field will be visible only to non-logged in user to enter their email address when creating a request

Fill in the email field label and choose a custom field (compatible customfields are text field & Email Customfield, then click save

No need to add the email custom field to request screen since it will be duplicated

The email custom field will only be visible if the portal was accessed anonymously

3. Select Allowed Portals

By default all portals are not publicly accessible, when selecting a public portal , it will be visible to public users

After updating click save.

4. Add Recaptcha V3

Recaptcha is very important when you open your customer portal publicly to avoid spam

To start using reCAPTCHA, you need to sign up for an API key pair for your site. The key pair consists of a site key and secret key.

After obtaining the Secret and site key, add them to your configurations

reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Based on the score, you can take variable action in the context of your site. By default, you can use a threshold of 0.5.

Dont forget to Save

5. Request Creation Behavior

By default Tinker for JSD creates requests using the public user, and if you’d like to automate the creation of users once a new email field is added choose one of the following:

Requests Reporter

Creation Behavior



Creator & Reporter = PUBLIC_USER

The request created on public portal will be created using the public_user as creator and reporter


Creator & Reporter = EMAIL_ADDRESS

Tinker for JSD will create a user, or retrieve a user and then the request filled in the public portal will be created and reported by this user

On creation and update

Creator & Participant = PUBLIC_USER | Reporter = EMAIL_ADDRESS | use for Proforma

Tinker for JSD will create a request using the public user and then it will switch the reporter to email used in the form to create a user, or retrieve a user

This was implemented to allow Proforma to work with Public Customer Portal

On creation and update


Newly created user will be as follows .



Display Name: EMAIL_VALUE

Password: Empty

Newly created user will be as follows .



Display Name: EMAIL_VALUE

Password: Empty

Add new user to group

You may also automate adding the newly added users to certain groups

Where to Create

You may change where the user is created as Jira created user in the first editable user directory based on the priority of the user directory

6. Request Creation Message

Success message that shows publicly after request creation can be modified,

The creation message contains two variable that are represented by {email} and {issueKey}, those two variable will be replaced when request is successfully created on public portal.

Save: will save the template and will be used as soon customer refreshes the page

Run: will test run the template on your browser and show you how would it look before saving

Reset to default: will reset the message to default suggested message

Default Request Creation Message

Request created

{email} created {issueKey}:

Just confirming that we got your request. We're on it.


We are super fast, You will be shocked

If you have other variables in mind Send us a request if you'd like to add another variable

We are super fast, You will be shocked

If you have other variables in mind Send us a request if you'd like to add another variable

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